7-18 May 2024 Cargèse, Corsica (France)


The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in maintaining crucial climate and life-supporting functions. At the heart of the Southern Ocean, processes occurring at the interface between the ocean, polar ice cap, and sea ice exert global influence on Earth's climate, on sea-level rise, and on the future of the unique ecosystems in this region. Despite its significance, our understanding of the Southern Ocean remains limited.

The Southern Ocean Summer School 2024 aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by Southern Ocean sciences. The program will address key questions pertaining to ocean dynamics, ice-ocean interactions, biology and carbon cycling, and the governance and policy implications of Southern Ocean sciences. By fostering interdisciplinary discussions and knowledge exchange, the summer school seeks to advance our understanding of the Southern Ocean and its profound importance in the context of global climate change, ecosystem preservation, and the well-being of society.

Through expert lectures and collaborative projects, participants will have the opportunity to delve into the complexities of the Southern Ocean and gain insights into the latest research and methodologies. By addressing these crucial topics, the summer school aims to empower the next generation of scientists with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the pressing challenges associated with the Southern Ocean. 

The Southern Ocean Summer School 2024 will be hosted in Corsica, in the small village of Cargèse, at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC) from 7-18 May 2024

The deadline for application is 31 October 2023. Applications will then be reviewed, and the outcome of the selection process will be communicated by the end of the year. 

Who can apply? Early-career scientists, such as research master students, graduate students and first-year postdocs, with an interest in Southern Ocean sciences who want to increase their knowledge about this region of the world.

How to apply? To apply, click on the menu, and follow the steps. You will be asked to fill in personal details, information from your CV, a letter of interest, and the name of a reference.

Fees. The registration fee for attending the school is 650 €, which will cover all costs except travel and dinners. Fee waivers and travel fellowships (up to 1500 €) can be requested (and justified) when you apply. There are only a very limited number of fee waivers and travel fellowships available.



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